Do you search for precise information about pharmacy licenses in Oregon? We are here to help you with the guidelines to ease the process of getting a pharmacy license in the state. Together, we will explore all the main steps you will go through to be licensed and learn the requirements of the Oregon Pharmacy Board. Let’s get started!
If you decided to start your new pharmaceutical career, you should obtain a license from the Oregon Pharmacy Board. Here are the required documents that the Board will ask to maintain before applying for any type of pharmacy license:
Your official transcripts should be emailed to or mailed to the following address:
Oregon Board of Pharmacy
800 NE Oregon St., Suite 150
Portland, OR 97232
In addition to the following documents, you should also pass the necessary examinations before your license application. You must pass both NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination) and the MPJE (The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination) exams. All the exam procedures are done through NABP (National Association of Boards of Pharmacy).
If you have further questions regarding the application or the requirements of licensure you can email or call at (971) 673-0001, the Oregon Board of Pharmacy.
The approximate time of the application process is 4-6 weeks, but it could be longer due to many factors. Also, don’t forget that to be eligible for a pharmacy license you should complete the background check which follows after the completion of the application and the payment of required fees. Allow 30 days for the Oregon State Police to process your fingerprints. After electronically submitting your fingerprints to the Oregon State Police the results will be forwarded to the Oregon State Board of Pharmacy.
If you want to get familiar with the step-by-process of getting a pharmacy tech license in Oregon, keep reading, we got you covered.
Pharmacists who are nationally certified by the NHA (ExCPT) or the PTCB can apply for a certified pharmacy technician license. If you are not yet nationally certified you still be eligible to apply for a pharmacy technician license. You should attach your national certification along with your technician license application (if you are applying for a certified technician license) and your passport photo.
To apply for a pharmacy tech license there is no age restriction. However, make sure to submit your application for Certified Pharmacy Technician within 1 year of the expiration of the license. To become a certified technician in Oregon here are the general requirements to consider:
Apart from the following criteria that you should meet, you should also complete the training requirements to be eligible for a license. The pharmacist’s job in charge of the pharmacy is to develop a training program for its pharmacy tech and certified pharmacy technicians. The training consists of both practical duties as well as instructional education.
According to the Oregon Public Law Rule 855-041-6150, “A hospital pharmacy may only be operated when under the direct supervision of an Oregon licensed pharmacist. The same rule also states “Unless otherwise permitted by these rules, a non-pharmacist may not have access to the pharmacy unless a pharmacist is on duty and present in the hospital”. To learn more about the laws & rules of the Oregon Board of Pharmacy visit here.